Independent Living FL: Stay Healthy in Spring with These 5 Tips

The advent of spring each year brings on brighter times in lieu of the shorter, darker days of winter, which may be the perfect inspiration for some lifestyle changes to rejuvenate your health! Whether you are living in an assisted or independent living community, we have the perfect tips to take into account for the benefit of your health this spring!

Step into Your Walking Shoes

Whatever wintry chills may have prohibited you from spending time in the lovely outdoors during the winter are thawed out by the coming of spring, and warmer temperatures outside are the perfect excuse to get out and explore the season! Walking is such a simple activity with profound health benefits, which include controlling blood sugar, supporting heart health, and improving sleep, making it one of the best physical activities for older adults. In addition to these health benefits, walking is a great way to connect with nature or with new friends if you join a group.

Lighten Up Your Diet

A myriad of healthy fruits and veggies come into season in the spring, such as lettuce and strawberries, giving you the optimal chance to replace heavy and hearty winter meals with lighter fare, such as salads, soups, and other lightly cooked meals. Updating your diet can cut down your chances of developing conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. We recommend cutting down on red meat and processed foods and replacing them with a higher intake of produce and healthy fats, such as olive oil and avocados. Important reminder: do not undertake a new diet without consulting your physician first!

Dress for the Weather

Between smothering, hot days and those that are breezy and brisk, most weather is possible in the spring. When venturing outside, always dress appropriately for the day! On sunnier days, be sure to wear sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat to protect yourself from harmful ultraviolet rays. On cooler days, insulate yourself from the cold with a jacket or scarf. Your long-term health will be grateful!

Be Careful of Allergies

Springtime often brings an onslaught of some common allergens, such as grass and pollen. It is more common than ever for weather websites to offer allergy predictions so use caution and check your outdoor conditions before stepping outside, lest you trigger an uncomfortable allergy attack. Not only are these a nuisance, but they can also lead to further complications such as breathing problems and sinus infections. If you struggle with seasonal allergies, consult with a doctor for a good treatment plan to prevent more serious respiratory problems.

Stay Hydrated

Noticing thirst is an ability that decreases with age, so it becomes more important than ever to monitor your own water intake. Dehydration can negatively impact memory and concentration while also increasing fatigue. As a general rule of thumb, try to aim for at least eight cups of water a day and choose herbal teas or vegetables juices over fruit juices and soft drinks.

Enjoy a strong partner for your retirement with maintenance-free living and a full complement of healthcare services at Westminster Suncoast in Saint Petersburg, FL. Our residents enjoy an active lifestyle revolving around a spectacular roster of lifelong learning classes, fine arts, and our exclusive My W Life well-being program. Enjoy both assisted and independent living facilities that can help you make the most of springtime!

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